2024 Loss Prevention Conference & Exhibition
Join the New Jersey Food Council in conjunction with the New Jersey Retail Merchants Association for a day of education and networking at their annual event. Click the link below to register!
2024 Loss Prevention Conference & Exhibition – NJFoodCouncil.com

MAORCA Fall Training Day
Mid Atlantic Organized Retail Crime Alliance will be holding a Fall Training Day on Thursday, October 24, 2024 at Tyson’s Corner Center.
For more details, visit www.maorca.org!

Metrorca Meeting
Save the Date! Our next Metrorca Meeting will be held on October 22nd, 2024 at 10:00AM Virtually!
The agenda will include several speakers covering initiatives and updates around Organized Retail Crime in New York, New Jersey & Pennsylvania.
Click on our METRORCA Meeting Registration (google.com) to register!

IAFCI One Day Fraud Training Event
Registration for the NY Metro One Day Fraud Training event is live! The training seminar will be held on Thursday October 10, 2024 at Fort Hamilton in Brooklyn, NY.
Please see the attached flyer for all the details and registration info. Click HERE to register. **The deadline for registration is October 1st.**

Nassau County L.E.A.R.N. Meeting
In an effort to reduce retail crime, Nassau County Police are hosting a meeting of Law Enforcement and Security Professionals.
Discussions will include current crime trends, recidivists and wanted persons.
RSVP to: DDadmin@pdcn.org
Come visit Metrorca at the NRF Fusion Center inside the Expo!
Details on how to register for NRF Protect can be found at NRF PROTECT 2024.
Hope to see you there!

Metrorca Meeting
Save the Date! Our next Metrorca Meeting will be held on April 30, 2024 at 10:00AM at the Montgomery County Fire Academy located at 1175 Academy Drive, Conshohocken, PA 19428
The agenda will include several speakers covering initiatives and updates around Organized Retail Crime in Pennsylvania.
RILA Retail Asset Protection Conference
n 2024 RILA will unite the entire asset protection community under one roof. The 2024 RILA Asset Protection Conference is proud to be partnering with CLEAR—building one event that will bring together dynamic retail asset protection teams, law enforcement professionals and dedicated prosecutors who are committed to protecting our communities.

Mid Atlantic Loss Prevention Conference
Hosted by the New Jersey Retailers Association & NJ Food Council, this year’s conference is focused around Protecting Community & Preventing Loss.
Topics include a case presentation on Operation Bleeding Edge, De-escalation Tactics, A Member’s Experience with Active Shooter, Introduction to METORCA and a presentation on ORC & Concealed Carry by the NJ AG’s Office.
Please join us for an opportunity to network, collaborate and learn more about industry trends and challenges within NY, NJ & PA.
Click on the link below to register! Hurry! Space is limited.
2023 CLEAR and FLEPRU Conference
The 2023 CLEAR and FLEPRU conference is a training conference comprised of and open to law enforcement professionals, retailers, and industry professionals from around the nation.
The conference includes specialized training sessions primarily focused around property crimes, trends, investigative tactics, and legislative topics. These sessions are hosted by speakers who are experts in their field or industry professionals both locally and from around the nation.
The conference will also include a Vendor Showcase and Retail Fusion Center to support networking opportunities between law enforcement and retailers.
NRF Protect
NRF Protect
NRF PROTECT is the only retail event that brings cross-functional teams responsible for loss prevention, asset protection, digital fraud and cybersecurity together to share valuable insights and strategies that are vital to your organization.
Visit NRF PROTECT 2023 for details and registration
Nassau County ORC Meeting
On behalf on Nassau County Police Commissioner Patrick J. Ryder you are invited to a meeting of security professionals who work with the private sector whose businesses are engaged in retail sales, mall properties and members of the Nassau County Police Department. Please click on Events at the top of the page for more information.
CLEAR Conference
The Coalition of Law Enforcement and Retail (CLEAR) is a non-profit, non-partisan national association founded in November 2008 by a group of Law Enforcement and Retail Loss Prevention professionals that saw the need for the formation of a partnership. The Coalition provides a forum for public and private sector members, with experience in a wide variety of public safety initiatives, to aid and support the establishment of collaborative efforts that are focused on improving the safety of our communities and advancing the profession of its membership.
For more information visit Home (clearusa.org)
NJRMA & Food Council Loss Prevention Conference
Save the Date!
New Jersey Retail Merchants Association and the New Jersey Food Council will be hosting their annual Northeast Regional Loss Prevention Conference focusing on “Hometown Security” on November 2, 2022.
Check back for details on upcoming registration!